The practice only accepts and registers patients living / residing in G3 postcode area.If you live outwith our postcode area you you will need to register with a Doctor in your local postcode area.
Patients wishing to register need to either call at the surgery to collect registration forms or print off all the online registration and health questionnaire forms below. Registration forms must be brought in to the surgery in person in order to register. On receipt of your forms we require 7 days to process your registration forms so please ensure you obtain any repeat medications from your previous surgery until you are fully registered on our practice.
For all new patients registering with us, we request evidence of your address to confirm that you reside in this area and verify address details. We also request you provide proof of your ID to confirm the registration details you provide to us are correct. We have learned from experience that incorrect information can delay your registration with us and the health board.
New patients who have a chronic medical condition eg diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension etc may be offered an appointment with the practice nurse for review.
Please note your medical records may take several weeks to transfer from your previous surgery.
Download the forms
Please download and complete the forms below and provide to the practice with proof of ID and address: